84 lines
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84 lines
2.3 KiB
from functools import cached_property
import logging
import httpx
from jose import jws, jwt
import strawberry
from strawberry.fastapi import BaseContext
from strawberry.types import Info as _Info
from strawberry.types.info import RootValueType
import consts
import config
# valid signing algorithms. This mostly serves to avoid the 'none' exploit, add more algorithms as necessary
VALID_ALGS = ['HS256', 'RS256']
logger = logging.getLogger(consts.LOG_ROOT)
OLS_PREFIX = config.str_val('AUTH_OLS_PREFIX')
logger.debug('loading JWKS data')
# fetch IdP configuration, extract JWKS url from there, and load its contents
idp_url = config.str_val('AUTH_IDP_URL')
config_url = idp_url + '/.well-known/openid-configuration'
logger.debug('loading openid configuration from %s', config_url)
config = httpx.get(config_url).json()
jwks_url = config['jwks_uri']
logger.debug('loading JWKS data from %s', jwks_url)
jwks = httpx.get(jwks_url).json()
class Context(BaseContext):
def token(self) -> str | None:
if not self.request:
return None
token = self.request.headers.get("Authorization", None)
if token:
token = token.split("Bearer ")[1]
return token
Info = _Info[Context, RootValueType]
async def get_context() -> Context:
return Context()
class SecurityException(Exception):
def validate_permissions(token: str | None, method_name: str) -> bool:
if token is None:
logger.info("no token")
return False
headers = jwt.get_unverified_headers(token)
logger.debug('headers: %s', headers)
claims = jwt.get_unverified_claims(token)
logger.debug('claims: %s', claims)
permissions = claims.get("basebox/permissions", [])
algorithm = headers.get('alg')
if not algorithm in VALID_ALGS:
logger.info('Invalid signing algorithm: %s', algorithm)
return False
token_valid = jws.verify(token=token, key=jwks, algorithms=algorithm)
if not token_valid:
logger.info("invalid token")
return False
namespaced_method = f'{OLS_PREFIX}{method_name}'
logger.debug("verify %s <> %s", namespaced_method, permissions)
has_permission = namespaced_method in permissions
return has_permission