[generic] # log level; can be error, warn, info, debug, trace log_level = "trace" [oidc_config] # `mode` can be either "access-token" or "client". In access-token mode, all clients sending # GraphQL requests to basebox just pass an access token in the "Authorization" HTTP header. # In client mode, basebox acts as the OpenID Connect client and requests ID and access tokens # from the OpenID Connect server on behalf of the client. # See https://docs.basebox.io/guide/authorization mode = "access-token" # Access token validation: # Contents of 'iss' field, usually the URL of the authentication realm #iss = "https://www.idp.com:8090/realms/master" # iss = "https://kcdev.basebox.io:8443/realms/test-runner" # # Contents of the 'aud' field for access tokens; for Keycloak, this defaults to 'account'; # # for Auth0, this is the value of the Default Audience field in your Tenant settings. # aud = "account" # Contents of 'iss' field, usually the URL of the authentication realm iss = "https://basebox-test-1.eu.auth0.com/" # Access token audience field aud = "basebox-todo" # public key file for the IdP server (KeyCloak in this case) #jwks_file = "/bbconf/idp_keys.json" [graphql] # path and file name to GraphQL schema file schema_file = "/bbconf/schema.graphql" # Path and file name of the resolver map file resolver_map_file = "/bbconf/bb_todo-resolver.toml" # Path and file name of the type map file type_map_file = "/bbconf/bb_todo-typemap.json" [database] db_type = "postgres" host = "host.docker.internal" port = 5430 ssl_mode = "no" db_name = "bb_todo" username = "bb_todo" password = "bigsecret" [server] # Host name of (this) proxy server host = "dbproxy" # Port to serve on port = 8081 max_request_size = 33554432